BFFF: Best Furry Friend Forever

Martha My Dear

Ellen McAllister ’24

My dog Martha, our cute quarantine pup

It took my parents a while to say “yup”

Annie kept sending pictures to group chat

Until we finally found the one that

We were allowed to visit and hold

My sister hoped she wouldn’t be sold

We walked in with a different dog in mind

But Martha, sweet Martha shined

She was a little small, the runt of the litter

But that only made my mom’s heart flitter

She scooped up that teeny tiny dog

And said “I hope you like to jog”

Coming up with a name for a dog with such

Spunk and cuteness didn’t take much,

My mom, a Beatles fan, played their song

About Martha, as the car zoomed along

Our other dog, Lucy, was in utter surprise

She could not believe her tiny dog eyes

Martha has grown much much bigger

And boy oh boy is she full of rigor.

That little dog is so full of sass

She gets treats, but likes to eat grass

Her favorite thing to do is swim

When we’re walking, she’ll jump in on a whim

She is my mom’s best friend 

And she never wants the snuggles to end

Martha and Lucy, two peas in a pod

On walks, together they will plod

This dog loves popcorn almost as much as me

I always give her some, her cute doggy plea

We love Martha so dearly

Even though everyday, no nearly

She is dirty smelly and needs a bath

If you do the quick math

You’ll see she is worth it,

Martha May, so full of sweetness and wit. 

Martha May

Untitled Poem

Liam Kenechan ’24

Charlie only knows one word – woof.

It’s okay though, I know what he means,

like when he lies across my lap.

Woof then means “pet me”

Or when I answer the door and his bark echos throughout the house. 

Woof then means “I missed you!”

Sometimes it’s more of a whimper, higher in pitch than usual. 

Woof then means “I’m scared” – I make sure to protect him.

When we play catch his tongue protrudes beyond his teeth, his tail wagging behind him.

Woof then means “WOOHOO!”

When he loses his manners, soaking the planks of our floor, 

I know that woof means “feed me” 

When his head nudges my side while I cry on my bedroom floor, my own head in my arms 

Woof then means “I love you” 

I give him a tight squeeze.

“I love you too”

Untitled Haiku

Lark Pinney ’23

My dog is so dumb

No thoughts, head empty always

I still love him though

Sunny Lynch Pinney

Untitled Poem

Preston Melchior-Fisher ’24

9 years ago.

Three brothers, one simple ask.

They want a dog. 

They’re up for the task. 

It takes some time.

Looking and proving. 

But they finally find him.

And the parents? Approving.

His name? Hiro.

They take him back.

Bringing him home.

He acclimates quickly.

A place of his own.

They think if he could

Use a new name.

But in the end they decide

It fits just the same.

His name? Hiro.

He’s shown such love

And gives it back in turn.

Smart as a whip

How fast has he learned? 

The cat’s at first,

Wanted him gone.

He won them over, 

Or they’ve at least withdrawn.

Because his name is Hiro.

He’s a part of the family

This is without doubt.

I can no longer think

Of a life without.

After all this time,

He does grow old. 

But, in the end,

When the earth is cold.

His name will still be Hero.

A Remembrance

Patrick Estell ’23

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